
Monday, February 14, 2011


Reason # 264 - Why I love you ...

... because when I'm with you ...
... I am a better me.
Kees Kees! 
Love you babe!
{photos circa 2006}

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunny Winter Days

rays of sunlight streaming in
Growing up in Southern California, SUNSHINE is never something you ever think about NOT being there.  It just IS there and you love it but you don't always look at it from an appreciative standpoint.  I have always loved the sun and have always appreciated sunny days but not as much as I do now.  Living in the greater Seattle area for almost 7 years now (I know! Where did the time go??) I have learned to LOVE and CHERISH every single sun break & sunny day that we have here. 

Today was one of those days ... woke up and opened my eyes to see what shade of gray it was outside and was ECSTATIC when I saw that it was actually bright and sunny out!! The sun was streaming into our master bedroom so I grabbed my camera because I thought it was beautiful and I needed to capture it to remind myself ...

reflection in a mirror