
Monday, May 2, 2011

Ballerina Birthday

Our beautiful niece, Aubrey Ranae, turned 2 years old! Ah! Where-oh-where has the time gone? We so very much LOVE seeing her grow into the adorable, bright little girl that she is. She says the funniest things and always greets you with such excitement. Probably my two favorite phrases of hers are "Aubrey SO happy!" and "Wuv 'ou! (aka Love you).

The birthday gods were on our side because the rain cleared up, it warmed up and it ended up being sunny + about 70 degrees on her party day. The above pictures is Aubrey with her bud Dorian (Dani's god son) who is actually about 20 days older than Aubrey. They are both so stinkin' cute! More pictures to come when I shrink all of them down so they can squeeze into the little bit of photo storage I have left. *sigh*