
Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

We finally were able to carve the beautiful pumpkins that we got about a week ago, and let me tell you ... they turned out great (or at least Caleb's did!)  I have always been amazed at Calebs pumpkin carving skills.  I think this is probably the 5th or 6th year we have carved pumpkins together and each year his keep getting better and mine ... welll, not so much.  Then this year, as I watch him finish TWO pumpkins before I am even done with my one ... the light bulb goes on!  It makes sense ... Caleb is awesome at intricate woodworking, detailing, etc and it uses similar tools (ok maybe that is a stretch) but either way, he totally has an upper hand on me ... at least that is the story that I am sticking to! :)

This year we got smart and finally bought pumpkin kits ... sooo much easier!! 
And of course you need a yummy beer to help you carve!

The master at work ... removing the 'guts'

Prepped and drying out ... ready to cook tomorrow!

Tah - Dah!

Caleb's awesome bat ... isn't he cute??

Caleb's spooky tree and there is a wolf in the lower right but the angle isn't showing it well ...

My attempt at a witch cooking over her cauldron ...
The weather has officially turned here so it really feels spooky out with the heavy wind and rain we are getting with this 'big winter storm' that is hitting the PNW.  Glad the power is still on!  It has been flickering all day.

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