
Saturday, March 27, 2010


For anyone who hasn't been to a highschool basketball game in a while ... you should go! I forgot how much fun they are! Caleb and I were able to attend a few of Drew's games this last season and we had a blast! Drew is a Frosh at Stanwood High School and he is the hardest working guy on his basketball team, and it shows. We are very proud of him and all that he has overcome this year and we so look forward to MANY more games to come! :)

Here are some pictures from his games ...

Visitors are always welcome!

About a month ago, Caleb and I were lucky enough to have Danielle and Aubrey come up and visit us which is no small task! Dani had a 4 hour drive at night with a 10 mth old, but Aubrey was great and slept the whole way!

While they were here, Uncle Caleb took Aubrey to the fire station for her very first visit. She "drove" the truck and was even given her very own helmet!

We also took Dani and Aubrey to Snoqualmie Falls to do a mini shoot to get some updated pictures of Mommy and baby together. I had totally forgotten that Dani is affraid of heights and she did a very good job considering!

And what better way to follow up a shoot then to go to an Outlet Mall! Caleb and Aubrey got some good bonding time in while Dani and I flew from store to store :o)

We had such a fun time having them visit but it's always too short. It makes me wish we lived closer, but it does make you cherish the moments we spend together!

I espcially miss my backseat buddy!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

RFD Truck 16

Back in February, I was lucky enough to do another ride-a-long with Caleb and his crew, which meant I was a "firefighter for the day." I got to go on any calls that they were called on and watch them in action. It was a very fun time and I very much enjoyed and admired the hard work of Caleb and his crew.

Here are some pictures from the day ...

Monday, March 22, 2010

First post ... here it goes!

Since most of our family lives out-of-state, I thought a blog might be a fun way for family and friends to see what new adventures the Freeman's are up to! As much as I enjoy Facebook, I know not everyone is on it, and I am starting to be reluctant to post our family photos to the site. Plus, here I can update what we are doing in addition to photo's on a regular basis!

So here goes nothing ...

Caleb continues to excel at the Redmond Fire Department and I am SO PROUD of him. Just last Friday, Caleb and I ventured down to Seattle to join his work buddies at an 'Off Probation Party.' (For those of you who dont know what that is ... when a new hire completes their first year, they get to host a party for themselves and the guys show up to show their support.) While we were there I must have had 5 different guys come up to me to tell me what an awesome job he has been doing! When Caleb is not at work, he is busy woodworking in the garage and he is getting pretty busy with side jobs building furniture, etc, for friends.

The kids are doing wonderful! Here are some recent pictures of them on a lazy Saturday last weekend. Oh how I love them all to pieces!!
(Miss Miley Pup)
(Koda Bear)

As for me, I continue follow my love for photography by taking classes at a local community college. So far I have taken a 'Camera Basics' and 'Black and White Photography.' In April, I will be starting a class called 'Photographing People' which I am very excited about but also very nervous. I am also currently training for 2 half marathons this year along with a 10k in April and a 5k in May (Caleb is running with me for the 5k!)

Life continues to be an interesting journey but we are taking it day by day and appreciating all of the love and support we get from our family and friends.