
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Visitors are always welcome!

About a month ago, Caleb and I were lucky enough to have Danielle and Aubrey come up and visit us which is no small task! Dani had a 4 hour drive at night with a 10 mth old, but Aubrey was great and slept the whole way!

While they were here, Uncle Caleb took Aubrey to the fire station for her very first visit. She "drove" the truck and was even given her very own helmet!

We also took Dani and Aubrey to Snoqualmie Falls to do a mini shoot to get some updated pictures of Mommy and baby together. I had totally forgotten that Dani is affraid of heights and she did a very good job considering!

And what better way to follow up a shoot then to go to an Outlet Mall! Caleb and Aubrey got some good bonding time in while Dani and I flew from store to store :o)

We had such a fun time having them visit but it's always too short. It makes me wish we lived closer, but it does make you cherish the moments we spend together!

I espcially miss my backseat buddy!!

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