
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rockclimbing in Icicle Creek

Wow, I cannot believe that Memorial Weekend has already passed and we are now 2 days into June! I really wish the weather would catch up with the month we are in ... it has been raining none stop for most of April and May. This Cali girl is ready for some fun in the sun!!
Caleb and I had a great (and busy) Memorial weekend. We started off Friday night having dinner with our good friends Scott, Sandie and Coop and playing a game of Phase 10 (which I won!) We decided that since the weather was suppose to be nice on the East side of the Mountains we would head over for the day on Sunday and go rockclimbing. So we packed up our car with the pups, a cooler and some climbing gear and headed East! It really is such a gorgeous drive over Steven's Pass. Here are some pics from our climb.

Monday we had a BBQ with our friends Nate and Karen at their house. Amazingly the weather (which had been pouring the entire morning) cleared up just in time from dinner out on their deck!

All in all a fun weekend with good friends!! Can't ask for anything more!

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