
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mother's Day Project by Caleb and Elyssa

Being the crafty person that I am, I thought it would be fun to make Mother's day gifts this year. For one of the projects I decided to use some of the photographs I had taken earlier this year at the Tulip Festival to make note cards. I just love a good project, so i headed to my favorite craft store - Ben Franklin (a scrapbook's dream) - and spent hours picking out the perfect card stock and other various items I needed to complete the project ... ok, and maybe a few extra things that I just couldn't pass up. The project was shaping up nicely but something was missing ... what was I going to put these note cards in? Then it dawned on me - Caleb can make something!

We headed into Seattle to a speciality wood store (aka Caleb's new favorite place.) This store carries more wood than you can ever imagine! After finding the perfect piece of wood and giving Caleb a general idea of what I wanted (size, closures and hinges) I left the actual 'look' of the boxes up to him, and I was not disappointed!! See for yourself...

I took the finished projects and did a mini photoshoot with all of them before I sent them off to their various destinations. I was happy with how the cards and boxes turned out, and I love that we created everything from scratch!

Caleb and I make a pretty good team, huh?!

1 comment:

  1. You make a GREAT team! Caleb, my beautiful box will be cherished always. It is truly a work of art. Elyssa, you are an amazing artist. You have an exquisite eye for beauty and a natural sense for detail. I cannot thank you both enough for the lovely suprise for Mother's Day. I am deeply touched. With all my love, Susan
