
Friday, May 21, 2010

Ambiance - check!

As I'm sure you have all figured out by now (since I have mentioned it in a few different posts) I love our back deck!! It truly is my favorite "room" of our house. Since we both love to entertain, and in the summer (assuming it isn't raining) and we do that primarily on the back deck, I thought it would be fun at add some ambiance through lighting!

Pictures Before:

I have always wanted to put up lights, but since we have had our house on the market I figured there would be no point. But now that we are assured to be here for the whole summer I figured there couldn't be a better time! I came up with the idea and ran it by my personal contractor who can build me anything I can dream of ;) We then made our way to Lowes to get some rebar and spray paint for Caleb to make the sheppard's hooks. Earlier that week I had run across a STEAL on outdoor lighting at Target and they actually had exactly what I had pictured in my mind.

Pictures After:

I was going to post more 'after' but it is a bit hard to see unless the picture is bigger but you can get the idea! And here is one later in the evening ...

I cannot wait to have our first party on our deck!

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