
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Summer days in Spring

I cannot even begin to explain how much I love the sun. Living in the PNW you learn to enjoy it EVERY time it decides to make an appearance, and yesterday was no exception!

A few months ago, Caleb and I had been driving around Duvall and decided to take a road we had never been down before. To our great surprise we stumbled upon what looked to be a Nature Reserve. As we drove along the bumpy dirt road with the heavy moss covered trees surrounding us, I mentioned to Caleb that I would love to come back when the weather was nice and take pictures. So that is exactly what we did, yesterday! We got our Starbucks and headed out into the woods!

I love all the big green leaves - shows that summer really is right around the corner!

Probably hands down, my most favorite part of our house is our deck that Caleb built. Being on 6 acres you really cannot beat the peace and quiet that surrounds you.

Miley decided to take a break from running around with Koda and take a snooze on one of our chairs on the back deck.

Below: Koda soaking up some Vit D. He is like me - he LOVES the sun!
What better way to finish up a perfect day outside than to go to one of our local Mexican Restaurants and eat out on their deck!! We got there early because we know that sunny days bring out the crowds!

Keep the good weather coming our way!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your new "look" for the blog. We so enjoyed the sunshine over the last few days. Hopefully it will be back for your race next weekend. Looking forward to seeing you soon. That is a great photo of the Seattle skyline.
