
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chicago Family Shoot

Here are a few of the shots from the family shoot I did in Chicago with the Lammotts!  They are a photographers dream to work with!
I shot this at Rosehill Cemetery at the Chapel where V & L were married. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Outdoor living

Summer in the PNW is the prettiest time of year.  You finally have some sunshine and you can enjoy the outdoor areas with hope of staying dry.  Most house have patio's or decks attached to them and Caleb was asked by his BC to extend his current deck.  It was a BIG project but we are really happy with the results and so were they!  The deck ended up being around 700 sq feet and we added stairs so they can access the deck from the front side of their house now. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking - I put them in a before/after order broken down into sections.  This is a mix of pictures off of our iPhones and my DSLR so that will explain the huge jump in quality of the images.  (PS you can click on the image to see a larger version.)



If you want more information feel free to contact Caleb and he can explain it in more detail :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

West Seattle

My childhood friend and her husband moved to the PNW just over and year ago and purchased a townhouse in West Seattle shortly after. When summer started to roll around they noticed that a few of their neighbors had extended their outdoor living space by extending the slab of concrete that is directly under the backdoor to create a nice deck for entertaining. Thinkin this was a good idea, they asked Caleb to come take a look at their yard and see if that would be something he would be interested in building. In addition to building a deck they also wanted a gate cut into the existing fence so they would have access to the alley from the backyard.  Their townhouse has so much charm and now their backyard matches the interior. I unfortunately don't have a picture of the deck with the cute new patio furniture on it but at least you can get an idea.  
Before - slab of concrete

Footings poured and framed in

Finished product

Gate to the back alley

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chicago - Baby Portraits

While we were in Chicago, I had the privilege of shooting our goddaugther Andromeda.  We had so much fun picking out her outfits and different props to go along with the shoot.  We started off in Vignette and Lucas's backyard where they had a beautiful urban garden with a chain link fence followed by going between their buildings where they had a gorgeous old worn brick.  After that we took a drive to Rosehill Cemetery where Vignette and Lucas were married and ended her shoot on the steps of the chapel that they were married in.  I had SO much fun on this shoot and I look forward to more in the years to come!!  Enjoy!!

Stay tuned for photos from their family shoot! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


view of downtown from our hotel room
Well, our annual Chicago trip went off without a hitch and we had a brilliant time.  This years trip was extra special because we got to meet our goddaughter, Andromeda, for the 1st time and it was her 1st birthday party!  We arrived Thursday evening and wasted no time, drove straight over (after checking in and dropping off our bags) to Vignette and Lucas's flat and enjoyed great conversation (and vino!) until the wee hours of the morning. 
view from our hotel room
Friday morning was met with much anticipation (and maybe a little grogginess) as we were getting to meet Andi for the very first time.  Since we had arrived so late the night before we didnt not get a chance to meet her face to face.  Our hotel was located in Evenston and it was literally about 2 blocks from a Starbucks so I'm sure you can guess where we wondered off to each morning after breakfast.  Evenston is about 25 minutes north of downtown and it is made up of Northwestern University, lots of old churches and beautiful homes from the early 1900's.  We enjoyed walking around and seeing all the history.  Our room had a view of DT which was pretty cool and a gorgeous old church. 

the lake was just a few blocks from our hotel
Friday was a very busy day of party prep.  While the boys went off to play in the city, Vignette and I spent the entire day cooking and baking for the party with lots of breaks to play with baby while chatting the entire time.  Probably the most fun was getting to play with fondant for Andromeda's personal cake.  Neither of us had ever used it but we are both hooked and cannot wait till we get to use it again! 
our finished product! fun with fondant!
After another very late night we got some much needed Sbux and put on our party hats!  Andromeda's 1st birthday party was a huge success and a ton of fun.  They had a great turn out of friends and family and it is so fun that we actually know many of them now.

Sunday we took the morning to explore around our hotel and see the sights before our photoshoot with the Lammotts (those pictures will be in another post.)  The shoot was a blast and I cannot wait to do another shoot next year!!  Our last day in the city we headed downtown for the morning to do our usual walk down Michigan to window shop and see the city.  After, we headed back to V & L's to hang out for a few hours before catchin our flight back to Seattle.  It was a fun trip with lots of great memories (and photos!)