
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Evergreen State Fair

Who doesn't love the fair?  The smell of cotton candy and other yummy treats, sounds of laughter and the feeling of being a kid again.  Since moving to Washington, I've made it my annual fall tradition to go the the Puyallup Fair at least once each year.  And this year was my very first time getting to go to the Evergreen State Fair.  It is much smaller (and closer to my house) and I looved that I could see the whole fair (without going on rides of course) in just a few hours.  One feature, other than its small size, that I really liked was the Museum of Western Heritage.  It is full of things our kids will know not of and it just boggles my mind.  I have a love for those things used/loved that show their history and I cannot wait to take our kids back to show them where everything originally came from (a few example are below.)  Here are some highlights from our afternoon at the fair ...

Caleb's woodworking is made a little easier with modern advances in tools. But interestingly many are pretty much the same! 
Grateful for how far washing machines have come!

I love the cows, I think they are SO CUTE!

Caleb's favorite tradition is to get an Elephant Ear, YUM!
We love chainsaw carvings (like the bears above) and I want this for the other side of our front door.  We already have a welcome bear, now we just need a friend for it ;)
Maybe next year ...

Next up - Puyallup Fair!!  And yes, we're going to "Do the Puyallup!" as they say :o) Happy Labor Day Weekend! Can you believe it is September already?? I sure can't!

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