
Friday, September 3, 2010

Out with the Old ...

And in with the new!!  Caleb and I purchased a new washer/dryer back in April, but due to our house being on the market, we held off on installing our new machines.  Well, we recently just gave in and decided that we were being silly not using our new set. 

Since we opted out of the bases that "came" with the washer/dryer (aka they cost extra $$) Caleb built as awesome, and stout, cabinet that also gained us 2 more huge drawers!! 

After: Cabinet base

Now Caleb just need to put on the decorative drawer fronts and I need to paint it.
Who knew laundry could be so fun with a new washer/dryer?!  Caleb and the kids spent the first day just watchin the washer spin round-in-round. 


  1. Nice!!! My parents have those fancy front loaders too and I just love doing laundry at their house. Enjoy! Good work Caleb.

  2. I can honestly say I didn't think I would LOVE doing laundry as much as I do now! We have 2 doggies and 6 acres ... so we do lots n lots of towels from cleanin off paws, lol. Now bring on the kids ;) hehe
