
Sunday, November 21, 2010

White Paw Prints & Cold Noses

I am normally not a morning person, but don't get me wrong, I also don't like to sleep the day away so it is a constant battle with myself in the morning.  This morning, however, I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning - jumping out of bed to see if it had snowed ... and IT HAD!!  Ok, not a lot, but a dusting none-the-less.  And it totally counts cause even my puppies got excited when I let them out to do their morning business.  It is so cute cause they do this funny prance around the yard, like they have a kick in their step (just like I do when it snows!)
I needed some updated pictures of them (yes, I do have current pictures of them, but not in the snow!) so I took them outside this afternoon for a doggie shoot and they did great!  Whats my secret?  Doggie Treats!!  They are so darn cute and I love them both to pieces. 
My lovies - Koda & Miley
When I came inside to upload the pictures from my camera my lil' lap kitten joined me to keep warm and then decided she wanted to check out what all the fuss was outside ...
Happy Sunday!! I'm making homemade Beef Stew and homemade mini cornbread muffins ... YUM!  It sounded so yummy since it is cold 'n snowy out!

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