
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Red Hot

I was so excited when I was asked by Lauri to come take pictures of Stanwood HS Basketball Team.  They wanted some creative shots of the boys Varsity team to use for a poster, standard team shots for Varsity, JV and Frosh along with 'mugshots' of the Varsity boys to use in the Fall programs.  Tim (Lauri's husband) is a firefighter for Kirkland so he managed to get his hands on 12 sets of bunker gear and arrange for Stanwoods Truck to meet us at the High School before practice for the shoot.  One thing we didn't factor in was how dark it was getting, especially with rainy skys.  Luckily, having tagged along with Caleb on a few drills, I knew that the Truck has lights on generators that can make it look like daylight - score!! Well, that was no help as they quickly apologized for having just left them at their last call - fail!  So then I remember seeing a ton of lights on the Engine and asked the guys to drive the Engine up on the lawn and point/shine their lights on the truck - success!!  Made for some pretty cool lighting affects and made their "Red Hot" them really drive home.  The boys were good sports and really followed direction well, I was actually really surprised at how well they listened.  It was pretty cold out but they didn't complain and we got the shot and headed back inside to warm up. 

Caleb and I went to watch Drew play yesterday and Lauri gave us a copy of the final poster they handed out to everyone and I am really happy with how it turned out.  Not only was this a cool opportunity to grow my portfolio but they let me run an ad in exchange for the shoot so hopefully that will drum up some business!  Here is a look at the final product ... but it does look way cooler in person :o)

Thanks again Tim & Lauri for thinking of me!! 
PS - Do you see my logo?  That very cute lil girl is my goddaughter Andi!

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