
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birthday Boy!

I was lucky enough to be introduced to the most amazing man I know back in 2000.  Fast fwd 10 years and he is a very smart, talented, and hard working man that I am lucky enough to call my husband.  Love you babe! Happy 29th!!  Here are a few photo's of us from back in the day ... Enjoy!

God's Country

Enchantments - Day 2
I feel truly blessed every morning that I wake up and get to see the beautiful place I get to call home everyday.  For those who don't know, Caleb and I currently live on 6 acres out in the country.  We are tucked into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains and the beauty of it all makes dealing with dreary rainy Seattle days much more bearable.  Here are pictures from Day 2 of my backpacking trip to the Enchantments, you'll see what I mean ... God's Country - truly breathtaking.
We headed up another 1500 ft to get to Upper Enchantments
"Hey guys, look! A goat!"
Lake Viviane 6500 ft elevation

Standing at 7000 ft looking down at base camp - Lower Snow
Big storm clouds started to roll in

Playin Phase 10 - it was soooo cold!
At the end of the day everyone went into their tents to warm up and keep out of the wind.  I decided to stick it out cause I really wanted to see the sunset and I am glad I did!  It was gorgeous!

Friday, August 27, 2010

What to pack ...

Enchantments - Day 1

Wow! It has been a crazy couple of weeks and I am clearly a little behind on blog posts! Since I have a LOT of photos from my recent backpacking trip I will break it down by days as to not overwhelm you all! ;o)
The Enchantments ... all the really comes to mind is "wow!" because it is THAT gorgeous up there.  I headed out on a 4 day/3 night backpacking trip with some of our good friends.  (Caleb was not able to join, but I'm sure puppies enjoyed having their Dad all to themselves while I was away.) We arrived in Leavenworth the day before our scheduled d-day to pick up our permits from the Leavenworth Ranger Station.  Since we had some time to kill we puttered around Leavenworth and enjoyed some of our favorite shops.  The only downfall ... it was RAINING.  But its Washington right?  Well, rain is great, except when you are going to be doing and intense hike up a mountain and then stayin up there for a few days.  Luckily the weather cleared out just in time and we had a sunny/cool morning for our departure.

Just completed about 1/4 of our elevation gain

Lower Snow Lake - 6.5 Miles in & elevation approx 6000ft
That is a view of Lower Snow as we get higher and higher ...
And we finally made it to Upper Snow Lake - 8 Miles in
My tent (above) was just a few feet from the edge of the lake ... it was gorgeous!

It took us about 6 hours to hike in.  It was about 8 miles and about 4000 ft of gain.  I was happy when we finally made it to camp!  And above is the gorgeous sunset from day 1.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy Bee's

This past month has been a busy month in the Freeman household!  Caleb has booked projects (decks, custom kitchen cabinets, headboards, memory boxes ... the list could keep going) further out than either of us can wrap our heads around.  But for the last month, Caleb has been workin hard building a deck for his Battalion Chief Bill.  Now, I say deck ... but it is the size of my first apartment!  The deck is 700sq feet and is off of the 2nd story of the house.  I will post pictures, but not till it is complete so you can see the awesome work he has done :)
As for me, I have been working hard at getting my photography business off the ground and it must be the right time because things seem to be falling into place nicely.  I feel so blessed that I keep getting booked and that the word is spreading.  Here is a sneak peak at the hospital, newborn, and couples shoot I have done over this past week and a half.

Meah Grace @ Hospital (12hrs old)
Hospital Shoot
Meah Grace - Newborn Shoot (6 days old)
Newborn Shoot
Couples Shoot (25th Wedding Anniversary!)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alta Lake Camping Trip

We recently returned from our 2nd Annual Truck 16 Camping Trip and we had a blast! Who doesn't love gorgeous surroundings, great friends and a relaxing time?!  Alta Lake is about 3 hours East of our house on the East side of the mountains and we were there for 4 days and 3 nights.  I'll let the pictures tell the rest! :o) Enjoy!

Koda found his spot ...


they loved  their life jackets - they could swim for hours and not get tired!
moments later Koda jumped in after Caleb
swimming in the river

Alta Lake - yes that is the color!

(the last shot we used my tripod ... who says you can't have fun with tripods!?
Oh, and this was take # 32? LOL)