
Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy Bee's

This past month has been a busy month in the Freeman household!  Caleb has booked projects (decks, custom kitchen cabinets, headboards, memory boxes ... the list could keep going) further out than either of us can wrap our heads around.  But for the last month, Caleb has been workin hard building a deck for his Battalion Chief Bill.  Now, I say deck ... but it is the size of my first apartment!  The deck is 700sq feet and is off of the 2nd story of the house.  I will post pictures, but not till it is complete so you can see the awesome work he has done :)
As for me, I have been working hard at getting my photography business off the ground and it must be the right time because things seem to be falling into place nicely.  I feel so blessed that I keep getting booked and that the word is spreading.  Here is a sneak peak at the hospital, newborn, and couples shoot I have done over this past week and a half.

Meah Grace @ Hospital (12hrs old)
Hospital Shoot
Meah Grace - Newborn Shoot (6 days old)
Newborn Shoot
Couples Shoot (25th Wedding Anniversary!)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the new projects! Glad to hear your photography is really taking off...I can see why. Adorable baby shots!
