
Friday, August 27, 2010

What to pack ...

Enchantments - Day 1

Wow! It has been a crazy couple of weeks and I am clearly a little behind on blog posts! Since I have a LOT of photos from my recent backpacking trip I will break it down by days as to not overwhelm you all! ;o)
The Enchantments ... all the really comes to mind is "wow!" because it is THAT gorgeous up there.  I headed out on a 4 day/3 night backpacking trip with some of our good friends.  (Caleb was not able to join, but I'm sure puppies enjoyed having their Dad all to themselves while I was away.) We arrived in Leavenworth the day before our scheduled d-day to pick up our permits from the Leavenworth Ranger Station.  Since we had some time to kill we puttered around Leavenworth and enjoyed some of our favorite shops.  The only downfall ... it was RAINING.  But its Washington right?  Well, rain is great, except when you are going to be doing and intense hike up a mountain and then stayin up there for a few days.  Luckily the weather cleared out just in time and we had a sunny/cool morning for our departure.

Just completed about 1/4 of our elevation gain

Lower Snow Lake - 6.5 Miles in & elevation approx 6000ft
That is a view of Lower Snow as we get higher and higher ...
And we finally made it to Upper Snow Lake - 8 Miles in
My tent (above) was just a few feet from the edge of the lake ... it was gorgeous!

It took us about 6 hours to hike in.  It was about 8 miles and about 4000 ft of gain.  I was happy when we finally made it to camp!  And above is the gorgeous sunset from day 1.

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