
Monday, July 26, 2010

Babyshowers bring ... LOTS of goodies!

I really love Caleb's job for many reason, but a huge reason is the people he works with. I honestly did not expect to meet so many great people in his department, but we have been blessed with finding an extended family there. That being said, Dana is the wife of Scott who works with Caleb (which is how we met) and I have been lucky enough to get to know her and her adorable 2 year old, Gianna, over these last 8 months. Dana just recently had her babyshower which was a huge milestone because we were pretty sure that Meah (who is still cookin away) was going to be joining us in person! I so admire Dana for being so strong through her entire pregnancy, and bedrest since 20 weeks with a 2 year old and a husband that is gone for 48hrs at a time is no small task! I am lucky to have such strong women around me and I will be picking their brain when it is my turn to join them in Mommyhood! Ok, maybe I already do that a little, but you can never be too prepared, right?! :o)

Here are a few of my fav's from her shower. (Note that the giftcard Gianna is holding is from Nordstrom, should she be worried?! Yes!) Hehe

And now we are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Meah! I cannot wait to take her hospital & newborn pictures!! xx

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