
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Day at the Beach

California Trip - Day 1 & 2

I thought it might be easier (both to read and see photos) if I broke it down by days - so here it goes! We arrived home midday on Wednesday into Long Beach - ok as a side note, I love that airport!! For those who haven't flown in there, you should! It is a small airport and it is, in my opinion, what you would imagine an airport in Cali circa 1960 to look like. You step out of the plane onto the tarmac where you can smell the ocean air and there is always a breeze flowing through the palm trees. You walk into the 'terminal' aka a large portable till you get to the baggage claim area which is of course outside. And your bags are waiting for you by the time you make the 4 minute walk between the plane to the baggage claim area - love it! The remainder of Weds was spent with my parents - we had a nice lunch at Houston's and then an even better dinner at home where we made flank steak on the grill! It is always SO nice to return home.

Thursday was our first full day in California so we had arranged to spend all day at my grandparents house, and it was such a treat. We arrived just before lunch where we were greeted by Ganky Bruce (I dont know why I call him that, but I have for as long as I can remember) riding up on his bicycle with a huge smile on his face. Michelle and her kids were in town too so that was a real treat getting to visit with everyone. Jack and Noah were signed up for swim lessons at The Bay Club so we all (Michelle, Susan, Caleb and I) went to cheer them on. It was fun seeing them turn into little fish.

Later that night we took Bubbles (their duffy boat) over to The Cannery for some delicious dinner. Can't beat good food and great company!

P.S. I love my little 50mm f1.8 lens - it takes the most amazing low light photos!

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