
Friday, July 30, 2010

Family fun in Tacoma

We met Dani, Aubrey and Matt down in Tacoma a few Sundays ago for a little family fix.  It, interestingly, is the half way point between our two houses which works out great cause any further south in WA and there isn't a whole lot to do! It was such a fun day starting with lunch at the Ram on the Tacoma waterfront, followed by a walk down the waterfront for a bit.  The very first thing we noticed about Aubrey when we first saw her was that her great smile now has 4 big teeth on top, SO CUTE! After our walk we grabbed a Starbucks (I know, very unlike us ... hehe) and headed to a kiddie park around the corner from my first apartment in Tacoma. Aubrey was brave and went down both the little kid slide and the big kid slide, though the big kid slide was not her fav :o) Great day with great memories and hopefully we will be able to do this again!

Isn't she the cutest?! We love her to pieces!!

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