
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Anniversary at Sea

Crystal Symphony
Our 3rd and final port of call on our Mexican Riviera Cruise was Puerto Vallarta, which also happened to fall on our 3 year wedding anniversary.  Our day started out with an adventurous morning drive through the steep and narrow one way streets on the hillsides of Puerto Vallarta.  What were we looking for ... good question!  We were on the hunt to find the Cathedral of Our Lady Guadalupe which we had heard was beautiful.  My dad was driving and Caleb was trying to give directions off of a tiny map that has some (no, not all ... just some) of the streets and a few pictures of random tourist attractions.  Words with a pineapple truck, Dad asking for directions in 'Spanglish' and a scratched bumper later, we made it!  The inside was nothing compared to the Cathedral we saw in Mazatlan (pics in previous post) but the outside was much more impressive.  After seeing the cathedral Caleb and I split off on our own and ended up at a cute little bar called the Cheeky Monkey.  A drink, some grub and a shot of tequila later we headed out to explore the town ...


Awesome sandcastles along the waterfront

Local artist ... love!

Sbux in Puerto Vallarta ... it tasted SO GOOD! And we got to check our email :)


our ship!
Back on the ship, Caleb and I were excited to not have dinner reservations till 9pm, so we were able to relax, grab a drink of the day and take our time getting ready for dinner.  We caught an amazing sunset leaving port and even ran into my grandparents and Mom while we were enjoyin our daiquiris.  A huge perk of the cruise was the food, it was AMAZING, and we had heard that we needed to try the different restaurants onboard.  What better time to try a new restaurant then on our anniversary?  So off to Prego we went and since we didnt have reservations till 9pm we closed out the place which was fun - and they even brought over all the waiters (even a poor woman who was just walking by) to sing us a 'Happy Anniversary' song.  God my cheeks were red after that!  It was a very fun way to spend our Anniversary and I'm sure one we will always remember. 

We closed down the restaurant :) 3 year Anniversary dinner!

It was so cool that they had a shout out on the 'on board' station

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