
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Recap? Overrated

2010 has been a mixed bag ...

I played around with the idea of doing a New Years Eve 'recap' of the year and then I decided that it would be more therapeutic to just move on and close that door.  It has been quite the challenging year for both Caleb and I, both for common and individual reasons.  There have been some awesome, unforeseen things that have popped up that on NYE 2009 we would've never guessed would be in our year - EFC Woodworking (Caleb's custom woodworking business) and Elyssa Freeman Photography (well, if I need to explain that title to you we need to talk.)  And there have been some lows (which I will spare you the 'boring' details.)  Last night, when it turned from 11:59pm to 12:00am I think Caleb and I both let out a huge sigh of relief and prayed for strength and hopefully a little bit smoother year.  So there you have it ... out with the old (2010) and in with the new (2011!!)

And what a GLORIOUS 2011 it has been so far!!  I woke up next to the man I love most in the world (and no, not Koda ... he is a close 2nd - heh!) and there is STILL snow on the ground - YIPPEEE!!!  Now, I am not sure who is more excited about the snow ... me?  or the puppies?  But either way, all 3 of us did our happy dance as I opened the door to let the dogs out to do their morning business.  As for the rest of the day?  Relaxing!!  Caleb is watching Football (I know, shocking!) and I am ... well, blogging, editing photos, working on EFP business stuff and doing stuff around the house ... Fun right? I sure think so!!  And tonight, Shelley and Dave aka Nana and Grandpa are coming up and we are excited to see them and exchange Christmas gifts.  I think the puppies might even be more excited cause they seem to love a full house.  Honestly, it really makes me excited for when we have kids (no, I am not preggers) that the puppies will love having more hands around to pet them and pull their tails and more people to love on them.

Goals for 2011?  Oh there are so many to list .. and I am still working on writing out my 'resolutions' for the year but I hate calling them that.  I feel like if you call it a resolution is only has a shelf life of like 4 months before you slowly or purposefully work it out of your routine.  Well, I will save New Year 'Goals' for another post ...

I hope everyone has a Safe, Happy & Healthy 2011! I will leave you with a few pictures (taken the other night at dusk) of our property in the snow!

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