
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Family & a Cruise Ship - part 2

Cabo San Lucas
Our first port of call - Cabo San Lucas.  My family and I have been to Cabo a number of times but Caleb and Susan had never been so we were excited to show them around.  Honestly, I could take or leave downtown Cabo ... but I love the resorts and the beautiful Sea of Cortes.  Dad rented a car so we could show the family the world famous Palmilla Resort & Golf Course and had an amazing lunch while taking in the breathtaking views.  Following lunch, we headed back into town and Caleb and I went off on our own.  We stopped by a tobacconist and picked up a couple of cigars, walked around the waterfront and through some stores.  It was a fun day but short since we were only in port from 12 - 5pm.  Back on board we sat out on our Veranda and took pictures of the amazing sunset over the harbor. 

We ate breakfast on the fantail every morning

The Pilots figuring out what they were looking at

Obsessed - seriously have like 200 photos of the coast of Baja on the Pacific side.

Palmilla Golf Resort - Cabo

Palmilla - they had the best fish tacos


Cabo at sunset
Our next stop, Mazatlan.  No one in our family had been, and we soon learned for good reason.  We were in port from 8am - 4pm and honestly I felt like we saw everything we would ever need to see in Mazatlan.  But that doesn't mean we didn't have a great time! 

Caleb and I really felt like we made good use of our day.  We did some shopping in the Golden Zone which was apparently the place to shop and had lunch at this cute little street side restaurant.  We figured the yummy food (specifically ceviche, my fav!) was worth the chance of food poisoning but luckily we were just fine!  After lunch we headed over to the cathedral in old Mazatlan and it was worth the taxi ride - GORGEOUS!!  They were renovating while we were there and I can only imagine what it will look like when it is finished.  After we finished at the cathedral we were looking at the map trying to figure out our next steps when a taxi driver suggested we go see the light house.  After some negotiation on the price (he was not too happy, but we were!) he took us over to what was suppose to be the lighthouse.  Basically he drove us down this long street that looked pretty shady and then pointed at this dirt path that led up a large hill (we actually couldn't even see the top.)  I thought for sure he had dropped us off some place that we would never return from.  Well, about 2 miles up a dirt 'road' and a zillion steps later (in flip flops I might add) we were at the top of this 'hill' and had an amazing view of Mazatlan.  Did I mention it was hot and humid? It was a great day, full of adventure and laughs and here are some photos from the day ...


Our journey to the Lighthouse

You can see our ship!  We are the little one in the middle.

"uhh ... do you see where we are suppose to go?!"

getting higher ...

about half way up it turned into switchbacks of stairs ...

... and higher we went ...

we made it!

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