
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Man and His Toys

Caleb and I seem to have picked some of the more expensive "hobbies" that are out there ... but we are both happy so I guess we should keep them up! :o) Caleb's love (other than me of course) is woodworking. And let me tell you, he has come a very long way since the furniture he made in college for his first apartment.

I had asked Caleb to make our niece Aubrey a toy chest for her 1st birthday. His response was "No problem, just get give me a picture of what you want!" so I went out and did just that!! Here is the process from start to finish ... isn't he awesome!?! I'm very proud of him!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I cannot think of a better way to spend a weekend then to spend it with family! This trip down to Portland was not our normal visit, it was to celebrate our niece Aubrey turning 1 year old!!

We always seem to do some fun outing while we are down for the weekend, and this time we took Aubrey to the Oregon Zoo with Nana Shelley. Having been underwhelmed by the San Diego Zoo, Caleb and I were really impressed with the grounds of the zoo and how you can actually see the animals!

Birthday present brainstorming is such a fun part of being an Aunt/Uncle. But since Aubrey is only a year old, there aren't many gifts that will stand the test of time. So Caleb and I had come up with the idea to make Aubrey a toy chest that would hopefully last her through her teenage years. So I went out and took pictures of different toy chests and then gave Caleb all of the info and Uncle Caleb made Aubrey a toy chest for her 1st birthday - only she is not quite big enough to use it yet, but she enjoyed looking in it!!

Our last day in town was Aubrey's 1st birthday party and she looked so cute in her pretty pink dress. When it came time for cake, she was not interested in getting her hands dirty so Mom had to help feed her, but presents were a different story!! She did a great job opening up all of her gifts. Below are some highlights from her birthday party.

Wenatchee and Wine Tasting

What is more fun than a road trip with the people you love? A road trip with people and puppies you love! The weekend after my birthday, Caleb and I packed up the car and our puppies and hit the road heading East over the mountains to the small town of Wenatchee.

We were originally going to Wenatchee so I could take part of the 10k race with my friend Sandie, but since I hurt my SI Joint we went up to show our support and photograph the race for her and her husband Scott (he ran the full marathon). Caleb and I went up early on Friday since the forecast was calling for sunshine and 75 degree weather! One thing you learn living in WA, you never pass up an opportunity for some Vitamin D!!

Per Yelp's suggestion, we ate lunch at this cute little restaurant called Mission Street Bistro. They're known for their amazing crape and wine pairings and can I just say YUM!

We then stopped at a few different wineries - Saint Laurent Estate and Chateau Faire Le Pont - and both were amazing. Little did we know that it was 'Humane Society Happy Hour' at the 2nd winery so we had lots of furry friends trying to get into the tasting room. Oh, and did I mention all of the furry friends were wet? Yes, WET. There was a small water feature outside the tasting room which lead to 'doggie playtime' in the water! Needless to say the staff was not too thrilled to have wet dogs running their their beautiful tasting room.

The following day was race day and Scott and Sandie both did a great job. Sandie came in #1 in her age group and Scott finished 7th overall!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Off to the Market!

Pike Place Market - one of the main attractions that people think of when they come to Seattle. Located in downtown Seattle off of First Ave, come rain or shine you will find the Market packed with local flavor and just about every walk of life. It is a great place to people watch, so it is no wonder that for my first assignment of "Photographing People" I ended up at Pikes!

It is a very hard thing, I find, to photograph strangers. I walked around the Market for about 30 minutes trying to imagine in my head what I am looking for: What would make a good shot? What composition am I looking for? What action or lack of action would make the picture work? Finally I decided to stop thinking and just go for it. So I switched to my 75-300mm Telephoto zoom lens which allowed me to stay far enough back from subjects to not get noticed right away and that allowed me to capture expressions and moments as they happened. Here are a few of the highlights from Pikes!

Oh, and did I mention it was a gorgeous spring day? Look at the view of the Olympics!
Caleb came down to join me for a delicious lunch up on a terrace overlooking the market. The Copacabana is a wonderful little Bolivian restaurant that had some of the best Mojitos and Spicy Shrimp Soup I have ever had! The entire meal was divine!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another year older ...

Well, it is official ... I am in my late 20's, holy smokes! Most people I know dread April 15th, but not me! I had a great day thanks to my wonderful husband, family and friends!!

My day started with my hubby singing me "Happy Birthday" before I had even opened my eyes. When I went downstairs I had beautiful pink roses and a card waiting for me. We then went to my favorite breakfast spot, Starbucks! :o) Yes, yes I did just say that Starbucks is my favorite breakfast spot, but I am pretty sure you might just agree with me! It is pretty hard to beat! lol. A majority of my day was spent helping out my friend Dana who is 22 weeks pregnant and on bedrest. She is such a trooper and trying to stick to doctors orders, but it is hard when you factor in that she has a 2.5 year old, very active, daughter and a 7 month old puppy! She is a fellow firefighter wife, so her husband is gone for 48hrs at a time, just like Caleb. Thank goodness we are apart of such an awesome firefighter family, because all of the wives have stepped up to help them out!

That evening I had my 2nd photography class which went really well. We had had a field trip the previous Sunday to Pike Place Market where I had an assignment to get my photo's for class. He asked that we bring 3 of our favorite shots of the day to class for review, and it went really well!

I got home around 10pm only to find my amazing hubby waiting for me with a YUMMY carrot cake from our favorite bakery, candles lit and all! See for yourself!! Oh, and I got to use my new camera lens (yes, a bday gift to myself!) which works really well in low light!! And look what else was waiting for me!!

I cannot wait to go on a bike ride with my new bike! Thanks Caleb!! :o)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tulips, Tulips ... and more Tulips!!!

I absolutely LOVE living in Washington! It is such a beautiful state!! In the Spring, or more specifically April, the big "attraction" in the state is in the Skagit Valley. This valley is about 60 miles North of Seattle and people drive here from all of the surrounding areas ... including Canada!! Why you ask? TULIPS! Or more specifically lots and lots of gorgeous Tulips of every shape, size and color.
As I mentioned in my previous post, it has been raining pretty none stop for most of April. So when the weather forecast was calling for a semi sunny day I jumped on the chance and packed up my car with my camera, tripod and of course my doggies! Since Caleb was working I figured it would be a good day to spend hours on hours wondering around taking lots of pictures (and no, this is not hard for me to do!) Now, I mentioned it was sunny ... but it was CHILLY! It was only a high of about 45 with a pretty brisk wind, so I was very happy I had bundled up.

The drive is only an hour and a half from our house but is is amazing how much the surroundings change. After I had exited the freeway I was taken through a charming but very old town until I hit the farm lands where upon I saw signs saying "Tulip Route" with an arrow. I figured I should follow those signs and abandon the driving directions I had printed out - and I am glad I did! As I was driving along, out of the corner of my eye I saw these beautiful orange and yellow colors ... and then my jaw dropped. I have seen pictures of these fields many times but nothing could have prepared me for how amazingly beautiful these fields were in person.

Shortly after I made it to my destination - the Roozengabrde Farm. I had read a photo book that mentioned specifically this farm so I knew it was a must, and I was not disappointed!! You pay a minimal fee of $4 to get into the garden where they have every tulip imaginable displayed. They even had one called Freeman!!

Then just out past the garden were acres of tulip fields - I was in HEAVEN!

I literally took hundreds of pictures and if you are interested in seeing them just email me and I will send you the album. One thing I found when trying to pick pictures to post on here is that I have too many favorites and I cannot seem to pick enough pictures to complete the story.