
Monday, April 26, 2010


I cannot think of a better way to spend a weekend then to spend it with family! This trip down to Portland was not our normal visit, it was to celebrate our niece Aubrey turning 1 year old!!

We always seem to do some fun outing while we are down for the weekend, and this time we took Aubrey to the Oregon Zoo with Nana Shelley. Having been underwhelmed by the San Diego Zoo, Caleb and I were really impressed with the grounds of the zoo and how you can actually see the animals!

Birthday present brainstorming is such a fun part of being an Aunt/Uncle. But since Aubrey is only a year old, there aren't many gifts that will stand the test of time. So Caleb and I had come up with the idea to make Aubrey a toy chest that would hopefully last her through her teenage years. So I went out and took pictures of different toy chests and then gave Caleb all of the info and Uncle Caleb made Aubrey a toy chest for her 1st birthday - only she is not quite big enough to use it yet, but she enjoyed looking in it!!

Our last day in town was Aubrey's 1st birthday party and she looked so cute in her pretty pink dress. When it came time for cake, she was not interested in getting her hands dirty so Mom had to help feed her, but presents were a different story!! She did a great job opening up all of her gifts. Below are some highlights from her birthday party.


  1. What a great time, love the pictures, just can't believe she is 1 year old and walking.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUBREY! What a wonderful day!


    Uncle Paul & Aunt Betty
