
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Off to the Market!

Pike Place Market - one of the main attractions that people think of when they come to Seattle. Located in downtown Seattle off of First Ave, come rain or shine you will find the Market packed with local flavor and just about every walk of life. It is a great place to people watch, so it is no wonder that for my first assignment of "Photographing People" I ended up at Pikes!

It is a very hard thing, I find, to photograph strangers. I walked around the Market for about 30 minutes trying to imagine in my head what I am looking for: What would make a good shot? What composition am I looking for? What action or lack of action would make the picture work? Finally I decided to stop thinking and just go for it. So I switched to my 75-300mm Telephoto zoom lens which allowed me to stay far enough back from subjects to not get noticed right away and that allowed me to capture expressions and moments as they happened. Here are a few of the highlights from Pikes!

Oh, and did I mention it was a gorgeous spring day? Look at the view of the Olympics!
Caleb came down to join me for a delicious lunch up on a terrace overlooking the market. The Copacabana is a wonderful little Bolivian restaurant that had some of the best Mojitos and Spicy Shrimp Soup I have ever had! The entire meal was divine!

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy the Pikes Market, thanks for sharing the great pic. You always do such a great job Elyssa.
