As I mentioned in my previous post, it has been raining pretty none stop for most of April. So when the weather forecast was calling for a semi sunny day I jumped on the chance and packed up my car with my camera, tripod and of course my doggies! Since Caleb was working I figured it would be a good day to spend hours on hours wondering around taking lots of pictures (and no, this is not hard for me to do!) Now, I mentioned it was sunny ... but it was CHILLY! It was only a high of about 45 with a pretty brisk wind, so I was very happy I had bundled up.
The drive is only an hour and a half from our house but is is amazing how much the surroundings change. After I had exited the freeway I was taken through a charming but very old town until I hit the farm lands where upon I saw signs saying "Tulip Route" with an arrow. I figured I should follow those signs and abandon the driving directions I had printed out - and I am glad I did! As I was driving along, out of the corner of my eye I saw these beautiful orange and yellow colors ... and then my jaw dropped. I have seen pictures of these fields many times but nothing could have prepared me for how amazingly beautiful these fields were in person.
Shortly after I made it to my destination - the Roozengabrde Farm. I had read a photo book that mentioned specifically this farm so I knew it was a must, and I was not disappointed!! You pay a minimal fee of $4 to get into the garden where they have every tulip imaginable displayed. They even had one called Freeman!!
God really knows how to make beautiful flowers among lots of other things. They really are breath taking.