
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another year older ...

Well, it is official ... I am in my late 20's, holy smokes! Most people I know dread April 15th, but not me! I had a great day thanks to my wonderful husband, family and friends!!

My day started with my hubby singing me "Happy Birthday" before I had even opened my eyes. When I went downstairs I had beautiful pink roses and a card waiting for me. We then went to my favorite breakfast spot, Starbucks! :o) Yes, yes I did just say that Starbucks is my favorite breakfast spot, but I am pretty sure you might just agree with me! It is pretty hard to beat! lol. A majority of my day was spent helping out my friend Dana who is 22 weeks pregnant and on bedrest. She is such a trooper and trying to stick to doctors orders, but it is hard when you factor in that she has a 2.5 year old, very active, daughter and a 7 month old puppy! She is a fellow firefighter wife, so her husband is gone for 48hrs at a time, just like Caleb. Thank goodness we are apart of such an awesome firefighter family, because all of the wives have stepped up to help them out!

That evening I had my 2nd photography class which went really well. We had had a field trip the previous Sunday to Pike Place Market where I had an assignment to get my photo's for class. He asked that we bring 3 of our favorite shots of the day to class for review, and it went really well!

I got home around 10pm only to find my amazing hubby waiting for me with a YUMMY carrot cake from our favorite bakery, candles lit and all! See for yourself!! Oh, and I got to use my new camera lens (yes, a bday gift to myself!) which works really well in low light!! And look what else was waiting for me!!

I cannot wait to go on a bike ride with my new bike! Thanks Caleb!! :o)

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