
Monday, April 26, 2010

Wenatchee and Wine Tasting

What is more fun than a road trip with the people you love? A road trip with people and puppies you love! The weekend after my birthday, Caleb and I packed up the car and our puppies and hit the road heading East over the mountains to the small town of Wenatchee.

We were originally going to Wenatchee so I could take part of the 10k race with my friend Sandie, but since I hurt my SI Joint we went up to show our support and photograph the race for her and her husband Scott (he ran the full marathon). Caleb and I went up early on Friday since the forecast was calling for sunshine and 75 degree weather! One thing you learn living in WA, you never pass up an opportunity for some Vitamin D!!

Per Yelp's suggestion, we ate lunch at this cute little restaurant called Mission Street Bistro. They're known for their amazing crape and wine pairings and can I just say YUM!

We then stopped at a few different wineries - Saint Laurent Estate and Chateau Faire Le Pont - and both were amazing. Little did we know that it was 'Humane Society Happy Hour' at the 2nd winery so we had lots of furry friends trying to get into the tasting room. Oh, and did I mention all of the furry friends were wet? Yes, WET. There was a small water feature outside the tasting room which lead to 'doggie playtime' in the water! Needless to say the staff was not too thrilled to have wet dogs running their their beautiful tasting room.

The following day was race day and Scott and Sandie both did a great job. Sandie came in #1 in her age group and Scott finished 7th overall!

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