
Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 Years Old

Our twins turned 3 on Feb 22nd!! Where has time gone?? I swear we just came home with them but it is hard to imagine life before we had them - love our kids to pieces. Oh, and yes I am talking about our dogs Miley & Koda for those who are wondering :o)

Twins ... why does everyone call them this? I swear, like twice a day I get asked if they are twins becaue they are 'identical.' Yes, they are litter mates, brother & sister, but if you want to get technical about it they are from sextuplets. Either way, I just think its funny that EVERY person goes "Ooooo, they are sooooo cuuuute! Are they twins?!"

Here are some pictures of Miley & Koda right before we moved - Moving day was their actual birthday.

{Top: Koda & Miley playing with their football; Next: Koda age 3; Last Miley age 3}

1 comment:

  1. Elyssa, I enjoy your blog and pictures and video so much, I almost feel like I am there too. Thank you.
