
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I need a break from life. I feel like a ticking time bomb where at any minute if pushed too much I will just burst into tears. I guess you could say stress has taken front/center stage in my life and I just want a break. When I was at IAA, when I became stressed I would just wander out into an empty field, meadow, grotto, cliff (anything in nature) and collect my thoughts. It's how I process. I seem to find myself when I try to lose myself. I am so desperate for that right now.
This weekend I am headed to Napa for a girls weekend but I secretly want to steal away for days and go find some deserted place, with my camera and just have 'me' time. I hate that when I come back all that stress will be waiting for me at the baggage claim (no pun intended). It's true that in this case bottles and bottles of amazing wine might not be the cure (never-the-less it sounds amazing and I'm going to take full advantage!) Here is to hoping I find my 'happy' while in Napa ...& de-stress a bit!

1 comment:

  1. I so feel you lately Eylssa. While life is good here, there is so much on my plate and so little rest. To wonder around in an empty meadow with just my thoughts would be the perfect "me" time. I hope you were able to find a little slice of time for yourself to decompress.

    On a side note: I really enjoy looking at your photography. You have a real gift.
