
Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Move

Trailer #1 before it was full
Since 2011 started it has been BUSY. We knew we would be moving sometime this year (we were thinking like April-ish) so we had been looking for houses and seeing what our options were.  Well, in about 2 weeks total our lives were turned upside down. Long story short, we now live in Sherwood Oregon till we find our home in Vancouver Washington.  I personally think it should be called Vancouver - Portland.  We rallied and packed up our whole house in less than a week and after 3 straight days of moving - loading moving trucks, driving 8 hrs round trip from WA to OR and back, and battling freezing temps and sideways snow - WE MADE IT!

I cannot tell you how blessed we feel to have had all of the help we did.  On the WA side of things a HUGE thanks to Scott, Coop, Matt, Josh, Loren, Skip, Ben, Taylor, Ken, and Mark. A few of these guys came out 2 days in a row which was so amazing I cannot even tell you.  Did I mention it was snowing sideways which sent it straight into the moving truck? What I CAN tell you is that we would still be loading that moving truck if we didnt have the help. On the OR side of things a HUGE thanks to Dave & Shelley, Matt & Dani, Ed, Marcus & Alissa, Scott and Lorens nephew who all came out to meet our moving truck before Caleb and I had even arrived and had it pretty much unloaded when we arrived. I seriously almost burst into tears I was so happy.

These are all iPhone photos so sorry about the quality ...
my view the entire way to OR - Dave left with the moving truck and Caleb and I each had a car/trailer load with us.
The other view ... 4 hrs in a car with 2 cats = fun times all around, NOT! lol

Shelley put together a fruit basket which was in the kitchen at the new house - so sweet.

Leaving Portland at 6am the following morning in the moving truck to head back up to our house for move day part 2

Snow & freezing temps through Vancouver

my view from inside the moving truck - the thing was HUGE!

Caleb driving the moving truck.  They wanted me to drive it ... hahahahahahahah, funny stuff.  I did NOT.

Sky cleared up in Tacoma but then it started dumping snow when we got home.

Headed back through Tacoma a few hours later ... pretty dark for 2pm!

Gorgeous sun break with a HUGE black cloud ahead of us ...

which lead to more snow ...

the roads got pretty bad at one point but then it cleared up a bit and we made it safely day 2.
I didnt manage to get any pictures of the moving truck or other things but I guess my excuse was we were pretty busy moving! I'm just glad to be settled into a new place with about 10% of our stuff unpacked till we move again in a few months. Hopefully at that point we will have had a few garage sales - nothing like a move to help you purge unwanted/unused items! :o)

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