
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Aubrey Love

One of the best parts of the new house is that we live minutes away from Dani & Aubrey, so we have been seeing lots of them. I take a ton of pictures on my iPhone and so I decided to do an "Aubrey" post and put up recent pics of the cuteness that is Miss Aubrey. We just love her to death and she has our names down which melts my heart every time I hear "Liiiiiiiiisssaa!" or "Ke-eb!" LOVE!

We met up with Dani & Aubrey at the park to play on a beautiful (rare) sunny day about 2 weeks ago. Ok, the first pic is of my loves but all the rest are of Miss A.

MELTS my heart <3

These next ones are from last Sunday - Caleb & I watched Aubrey for a few hours to give Matt & Dani some adult time to celebrate their engagement. We watched ammovie, played, and ate lunch ... OH, and Caleb even changed his very FIRST diaper. And yes, I do have photographic evidence! Hah!

She really loves pretending to drive - it was all smiles till I had to put her in her carseat ...

These final two are from a few days ago as we (Aubrey, Mommy, Nana & I) went to OHSU for A's MRI. She was such a trooper and we were all so proud of her. I added a video to the end of A doin her little dance in the waiting room. She does this funny 'crab walk' that Matt taught her. I didnt take the time to edit down the video so sorry about that :o) Enjoy!


  1. We love you guys so much. It means so much to us that you are there to watch her grow up and to watch the bond she has with you guys strengthen. Thank you for documenting her childhood. These pictures are beautiful, moving and priceless.

    Love Dani and Matt

  2. We love you guys too! I am just so excited that our kids will get to grow up together :)
